Browsing Archive: August, 2010
Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Monday, August 30, 2010,
As for the younger chicks Prince and Violet have four beautiful dominant pied chicks. They are all doing fine and their belly's are always full. Apollo and Liberty have three chicks. I think they are all going to be green. The females will be opaline and the males will be normal. And last but not least Diego and La fiesta have one chick and two eggs. I'm not sure the eggs with hatch but we will see.
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Chick photos
Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Monday, August 30, 2010,
Horus and Ginger's chicks are all doing great. They are feeding themselves and climbing all over the cage. When I the chicks out of the cage they try to climb as high as they can to see their new surroundings. I'm starting to teach them the command UP. This makes it easy to take them out of their cage. Here are some photos. If you look at the lutino females you can see they are also dominant pied. Look closely at the white in their wings. 

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Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Tuesday, August 24, 2010,
Horus and Ginger's chicks have started to get out of the nest. They have found the food dish. The only problem is they don't know how to get back in to the nest. So when they are ready to go back in the nest they twitter until I put them back in.
As for the other chicks they are just starting to open their eyes. All is well at the aviary.
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Friday, August 20, 2010,
La fiesta and Diego have three eggs. I candled them today and all three are fertile. Now we will se if they hatch in the coming weeks. Storm and Willows eggs where duds but they are taking cage of four out of the five of Horus and Ginger's chicks. Prince and Violet have five chicks all of their eggs have hatched. We will see if all of the chicks make it. There is about a week between the oldest and youngest chick. This sometimes makes it hard for the smaller chicks to survive. Apollo and Libe...
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Four chicks
Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Monday, August 16, 2010,
La fiesta and Diego now have three eggs. Prince and violet now have four chicks and two eggs left. Continue reading ...
More chicks and more eggs.
Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Sunday, August 15, 2010,
La fiesta and Diego now have two eggs. Apollo and Liberty have three eggs. Prince and Violet have three chicks and three eggs. Horus and Ginger's chicks are doing great. I have started hand feeding them a couple times a day. Continue reading ...
Chicks colors
Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Tuesday, August 10, 2010,
I can see what colors the chicks are now and I'm excited to say I have a few surprises...
#1 Lutino
#2 Yellow pied I think it's recessive but we will see once he grows a little more.
#3 Albino
#4 Lutino
#5 Normal green
It depends on the type of pied. But I think it's recessive so that means both Horus and Ginger are split for recessive pied. I also have one albino chick. This means that both Hours and Ginger are split for blue as well.
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Eggs and chicks
Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Sunday, August 1, 2010,
Well there are a lot of eggs here that's for sure. Storm and Willow have two eggs. Prince and Violet have five eggs. Apollo and Liberty have one. Horus and Ginger have five little chicks that are growing fast. They have three lutino females and two green males. they did have three males but sadly the youngest passed away yesterday. This happens because the parents instinctually feed the strongest chicks and sometimes the smallest just don't survive.
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