Bridget's Budgies

Welcome everyone

This blog is used to update any interested buyers about the progress of breeding. There will be updates on breeding, hatching, chicks, weaning etc. Please feel free to browse through the blog and see what is new at the aviary.

Browsing Archive: September, 2011

One more chick three less eggs

Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Friday, September 30, 2011,
Well here is where the good and the bad parts of breeding budgies can be summed up in one day. Petey and Stella's second chick hatched today. The chicks eyes are dark, so my guess is it's a normal male or female, maybe green or blue can't tell yet. The bad news is Ginger decided to crack all three of her eggs. She hasn't been sitting on them so she may have known something was wrong with them from the start. Or maybe she just didn't want to raise any chicks just yet. Either way there should b...
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Second chick

Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Wednesday, September 28, 2011,
Petey and Stella's first egg hatched this morning. It looks like the chicks eyes are red. This could be the first lacewing bred at the aviary or it could be an ino (albino or lutino) chick. Either way this chick is a female. Zeus and Violet's chick is growing fast. I always say it seems like you could watch them grow the first weeks of their lives. I think it has already tripled in size.
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Quick count

Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Thursday, September 22, 2011,
I'm excited to announce the first chick hatched this morning!

Otis and Athena 4 egg

Zeus and Violet 4 eggs 1 chick

Dusty and Bell 5 eggs

Horus and Ginger 3 eggs

Petey and Stella 5 eggs

Eddy and Alba 0 eggs

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21 eggs and counting

Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Tuesday, September 20, 2011,
The aviary is home to 21 eggs and the egg count just keeps growing. I cleaned out the nest boxes yesterday and candled the eggs. Most of the eggs are fertile and some aren't old enough to determine if they where fertile or not. Looks like I'm going to have my hands full this fall. 
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Quick update

Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Thursday, September 15, 2011,

Otis and Athena 1 egg

Zeus and Violet 5 eggs

Dusty and Bell 2 eggs

Horus and Ginger 0 eggs

Petey and Stella 2 eggs

Eddy and Alba 0 eggs

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Start of the Fall/Winter breeding season

Posted by Bridget Wheeler on Tuesday, September 13, 2011,
It always seems like one hen starts and the other hens follow. Zeus and Violet started the breeding season. They now have four eggs. Otis and Athena have one egg. Dusty and Bell have one egg. Petey and Stella have two eggs. I have a feeling Ginger and Horus are going to be laying eggs soon. Alba and Eddy still aren't fully bonded yet. I'm not sure if they will lay eggs this season. 
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