July 18, 2011
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
June 29, 2011
The chicks all fifteen of them are growing up nicely. I have had a couple problems with two females pecking their chicks. Violet and Bell started to kick their eldest chicks out of the nest. So I rehomed their chicks with Stella and Ginger. Stella having three chicks of her own and Ginger not having any chicks. Both hens have taken the extra chicks and have been feeding and keeping them warm.
Prince and Stella’s chicks
5/7/2011 - 5/24/2011 Normal, blue, violet
5/9/2011 - 5/26/2011 Normal...
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
June 17, 2011
We are well into the second round of chicks during the spring going into summer season.
Violet and Zeus ended up with two female chicks. One albino that I’m keeping. Her name is Ruby and the other chick is a dominant pied, recessive pied, blue violet. Both chicks had to be placed with foster hens because Violet started to peck them as soon as their adult feathers started to grow in. 

And they didn’t stop there. They soon laid another clutch of five chicks. And like the first clutch Vio...
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
April 27, 2011
The chicks are all doing well. Violet's chicks are doing fine with their foster hens. The chick that was plucked is almost all feathered out again. All of the chicks are able to get in and out the their nest boxes and feed themselves. Just a couple more weeks and they will all be ready to fly the coop. Horus and Ginger have started to lay their second clutch. I'm not sure how many are fertile yet. I wait until the last egg is five days old before I candle them. I will get more photos up soon.
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
April 19, 2011
The chicks are growing up so fast. Most of them have gotten out of the nests. A couple of Dusty and Bells chicks have learned how to perch but they are still sleep in the nests. Continue reading...
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
April 15, 2011
I checked the chicks over yesterday when I got home and found something I have never had a problem with before. Violet started to pluck one of her chicks feathers. The pore little thing hardly has any feathers on it's back on the back of it's head and under one wing. It's a couple days shy of a month old. She has pulled the chicks adult feathers out along with the chick down. I put the chick and it's sibling in with two of my other breeding hens, Stella and Ginger. They both are doing fine in... Continue reading...
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
April 11, 2011
I'm not sure why my images won't show up on this post. I'm working on the problem. If you would like to see the chicks photos please e-mail me and I can send them to you. Thanks
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
March 29, 2011
Willow and Violet have a little surprise for me. Their first chick opened her eyes and they are red! Since Willow isn't split for ino Violet must have bred with either Zeus or Otis before I put her in the breeding cage. Because of the way albino works the chick must be a female. Now I'm not sure if the second chick is Willow's or not I guess time may tell.
2/28/2011-2/19/2011 albino female
3/5/2011-3/21/2011 Died
3/6/2011-3/23/2011 Died
Prince and Stella
2/27/2011-3/17/2... Continue reading...
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
March 21, 2011
Willow and Violet
2/28/2011 - 3/19/2011
3/2/2011 - 3/20/2011
Prince and Stella
2/27/2011 - 3/17/2011
3/1/2011 - 3/19/2011
3/3/2011 - 3/20/2011
Horus and Ginger
3/1/2011 - 3/19/2011
3/3/2011 - 3/203/2011
Dusty and Bell
2/28/2011 - 3/18/2011
3/2/2011 - 2/20/2011
Apollo and La fiesta's eggs haven't hatched just yet.
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.