Bridget's Budgies

Welcome everyone

This blog is used to update any interested buyers about the progress of breeding. There will be updates on breeding, hatching, chicks, weaning etc. Please feel free to browse through the blog and see what is new at the aviary.

The rainbows

April 22, 2010
All of the chicks are growing so fast. It's almost time to start hand feeding them. Diego and La fiesta have been getting in and out of the nest this week. I looked in the cage and there are some big droppings. So she should be laying eggs any day now. I'm so excited to see if I will get any rainbow chicks.

Update on new chicks and eggs.

April 18, 2010
Apollo and Grace have three chicks. Sadly one of their chicks died soon after hatching. Dusty and Stella have four chicks that are doing great. Storm and Willow have three fertile eggs that should be hatching next week. The other pairs seem to be taking a break this breeding season.

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Chick update

April 13, 2010
Apollo and Grace now have three chicks and one fertile egg left to go. Dusty and Stella have two chicks and two fertile eggs. Storm and Willow have three eggs. I havent looked at their eggs yet but Storm usually has a high egg and chick count.
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Chick and egg count

April 11, 2010
Grace and Apollo's second chick was hatched on the 9th. They have two more eggs to go.Stella and Dusty's first chick was hatched today the 11th they have three more eggs to hatch.storm and Willow have laid two more eggs on the 9th/11th. I am expecting many more from Storm she usually has a large egg count.
As for the other pairs...
I have seen Diego and La fiesta mating but neither of them has had much interest in the nest.Tut has been in and out of the nest lately. Beau has been sing...

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Apollo and Grace

April 10, 2010
Apollo and Grace now have two chicks and two eggs. The chicks are doing great and growing just fine. I'm expecting that the other two eggs will hatch in the coming days. 
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Spring breeding season update

April 8, 2010
Diego and La fiesta have been flirting a lot but thats about all they are doing. It may take them a couple seasons for them to actually have chicks.
Dusty and Stella now have four fertile eggs. They where laid on the 23rd/24th/26th/28th.
Apollo and Grace now have three fertile eggs and one chick. the eggs where hatched on the 20th/22th/25th/27th. The first chick hatched on the 5th.
Tut and Beau have been flirting off and on but haven't show a lot of breeding signs.
Prince has been tryi...

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Chick photos

March 29, 2010
The three little chicks are all grown up now. I have moved them into the big cage with the rest of the birds. They are climbing the walls and balancing just fine. They will be ready to go home this weekend.
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Update on chicks and breeding pairs

March 26, 2010
Zeus and Violet's three little chicks aren't so little any more. They are almost weaned. I have been giving them seeds when I take them out for a couple weeks now. They can climb the cage walls now and get to the food and water dishes all by themselves. Sometimes they do get lazy and beg Zeus to feed them. Next week I will be placing them into my big cage so they can get use to new surroundings and other birds.
As for the spring breeding pairs...
Diego and La fiesta are getting along ju...

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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.


Spring breeding

March 15, 2010
Well the pairs are all getting along. It seems like Grace has been in her nest the most only coming out to feed. Apollo keeps peeking in to see what she is up to. Dusty is flirting away, I think he sings constantly. Stella had been in and out of her nest but hasn't decided to stay yet. Both Diego and La fiesta have investigated the nest and have been endlessly flirting. Tut and Beau have started to twitter at each other but that's the extent of their conversations. And lastly Athena and Princ...

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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.


Update on the chicks

March 12, 2010
The chicks have gotten so big. They are about the same size as Violet now. The two older chicks have started to get out of the nest box. They are also starting to lick my fingers when I take them out. This means they will be able to eat seeds soon. The first chick is normal sky blue single factor violet with a pied spot on its head. The second is single factor dominant pied single factor spangle sky blue single factor violet. And we have known for a long time now that the third chick is an al...

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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.

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