December 7, 2009
The second round of breeding has started here at the aviary. Many of my pairs have either started to lay or are showing strong signs of breeding. Storm and Willow are going for another round. Storm laid her first egg on the 4th and the second today the 6th. Zeus and Violet have one egg in the nest. It was laid the 5th. Diego and La fiesta laid two eggs last week but she hasn't been sitting on them. She doesn't know what to do with eggs just yet. I'm hoping she will start to lay more eggs soon. I have placed Dusty and Stella in a breeding cage. They bonded rather quickly and Stella is starting to shred everything she can get her beak on. And last but not least Grace and Apollo are flirting. Grace is still playing hard to get. But Apollo is determined.
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
December 4, 2009
I will be giving a couple chicks their gender tests the beginning of next week. I will probably get the results back at the end of next week. Then the chicks will be ready to go to their new homes. It always amazes me how fast they grow up. Continue reading...
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
November 30, 2009
Oh how they grow up so fast. I am starting to wean the chicks now. I hand feed them one day and the next I will take them out of the cage and feed them millet seed. They are starting to get the hang of feeding themselves. All of them can get in and out of the box as they please. And as you can see in the photo they can also climb almost anywhere. The next step will be climbing the bars of the cage. As soon as they learn how to do that I will put them in the big cage with all of my birds. 

Continue reading...
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
November 23, 2009
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
November 20, 2009
About a month ago I placed two new pairs into their breeding cages. The first pair is Diego and La fiesta. The second is Zeus and Violet. Both are now bonded pairs and are starting to show signs of egg laying. I have seen Diego and La fiesta mating and Violet has been staying in her nest for most of the day now. I'm hoping for two new clutches by January at the latest. I'm expecting rainbow chicks from Diego and La fiesta and spangle sky blue violet chicks from Zeus an Violet. Continue reading...
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
November 16, 2009
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
November 12, 2009
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
November 8, 2009
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
November 6, 2009
The chicks are doing fine. There are still just four. I usually start hand feeding the chicks at the beginning of the week. I will have to post a new photo at a later date when I have m camera handy. Continue reading...
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
November 1, 2009
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.