October 31, 2009
There are still four chicks. They are doing great. Storm and Willow are doing an amazing job as parents. I am still expecting the other eggs to hatch. Some are darker that others so I should be expecting more to hatch soon. I will post more photos of the little ones soon.
Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
October 26, 2009
The fourth and fifth chick hatched yesterday (25th). One in the morning and one in the evening. So to recap the first chick sadly died, we have four chicks in the nest and seven eggs to go. Here are some photos.

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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
October 24, 2009
The third chick successfully hatched yesterday (23rd) . It is amazing how much they grow in a couple days. Look at the smaller chick, they are only two days apart! Storm is still laying eggs. I found another egg outside the nest today. I'm not sure if the younger chicks will make it. If Storm is still laying eggs there will be about twenty days between the older and younger chicks. Usually when there is this much time between chicks the youngest ones can't fight for their food like the oldest...
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.
October 22, 2009
Sadly the first chick didn't have the strength to make it out of the egg. It died this morning. On a happier note the second chick did make it out of its egg. Willow and Storm are feeding the second chick and it has a good set of lungs. Here is a photo of the new chick.

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Posted by Bridget Wheeler. Posted In : Hatching
October 20, 2009
I looked at the eggs this morning and saw a small crack in one of the eggs. I usually takes a chick a day or so to actually get out of the egg. Here are some photos.
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler. Posted In : Breeding
October 15, 2009
Number ten was laid yesterday. I never thought Storm would lay so many eggs. Good thing she is getting plenty of calcium. Continue reading...
Posted by Bridget Wheeler. Posted In : Breeding
October 9, 2009
Storm is sitting on eight eggs as of right now. I candled them last night and six out of the eight eggs are fertile. The two that don't seem to be fertile might be to young to tell. The eggs should be starting to hatch in the next couple weeks. I'm going to hold off on the photos for now. Storm and Willow have been known to eat their eggs when stressed. So I wont be taking photos just yet. They both have a lot of work ahead of them if all of the eight eggs hatch. Continue reading...
Posted by Bridget Wheeler. Posted In : Breeding
September 25, 2009
Storm laid her third egg on the 23rd. Normally a female will lay an egg every other day. I will wait a couple days but it looks like three is the lucky number for this clutch.
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler. Posted In : Breeding
September 22, 2009
Storm and Willow have laid two eggs. The first egg was laid on the 10th and the second on the 20th. There where two other eggs laid in between but they where cracked. I have candled the eggs and it looks like the first egg is fertile. I'm expecting more eggs from Willow and Storm. Zeus and Violet are showing promising signs of mating. I'm hoping Violet will start to lay eggs soon. Also Diego and La fiesta are starting to flirt regularly . It seems like this fall/winter breeding season has sta...
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler. Posted In : Breeding
September 9, 2009
I have started to pair up my birds for the upcoming breeding season. As of right now I have three breeding pairs. I start pairing up the birds now so when it comes time to breed they are bonded already. I have paired Zeus and Violet, Willow and Storm and Diego and La fiesta. I am hoping for more blues, violets, spangles and rainbows this year. Wish me luck.
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Posted by Bridget Wheeler.