
Lacewing Appearance
Lacewing is a mix of two mutations. Cinnamon and Ino (albino or lutino)
A lacewing budgie can either be all white (albino) or all yellow(lutino) Their wings have light brown markings from the cinnamon. Their eyes are always red and their feet are always pink. For the strongest wing pattern normal wings are the best but any other wing pattern can be considered lacewing such as recessive pied, dominant pied and spangle.
Some lacewings have a slight tinge of body color.
The above photo is a nicely marked lacewing. It was found on the internet. This isn't my image.
INO (albinos and lutinos)
normal male x ino female
100% normal males
100% normal females
100% the males split for ino
ino male x normal female
100% normal males
100% ino females
100% the males split for ino
male split for ino x normal female
100% normal males
50% ino females 50% normal females
50% split for ino males
male split for ino x ino female
50% ino males
50% normal males
50% ino females
50% normal females
100% the normal males split for ino
normal male x cinnamon female
100% normal males
100% normal females
100% the males split for cinnamon
cinnamon male x normal female
100% normal males
100% cinnamon females
100% the males split for cinnamon
male split for cinnamon x normal female
100% normal males
50% cinnamon females 50% normal females
50% split for cinnamon males
male split for cinnamon x cinnamon female
50% cinnamon males
50% normal males
50% cinnamon females
50% normal females
100% normal males split for cinnamon
lacewing male x lacewing female
100% males
100% females
100% Lacewing so none are split
lacewing male x normal female
100% normal males
100% lacewing females
100% the males split for lacewing
normal cock x lacewing female
100% normal males
100% normal females
100% the males split for lacewing
lacewing male x ino female
100% ino males
100% Lacewing females
100% the males split for Lacewing
ino male x lacewing female
100% ino males
100% ino females
100% ino males
lacewing male x cinnamon female
100% cinnamon males
100% lacewing females
100% lacewing males
cinnamon males lacewing females
100% cinnamon males
100% cinnamon females
100% lacewing males
normal male split for lacewing x normal female
100% normal males
50% lacewing females
50% normal females
50% lacewing males
ino male split for lacewing x cinnamon females
50% normal males
50% cinnamon males
50% ino females
50%lacewing females
50% lacewing males
My Lacewing Breeding Program
1st Generation
Cock Horus: Lutino /Split for blue and opaline
Hen Ginger: Cinnamon, green /Split for blue
Plan: I will keep every normal green or blue male. Then breed him with any blue, grey violet normal female to produce lacewing females.
Result: From this pair I kept two males...
Pete Normal, green /Split for ino, cinnamon and blue male
Eddy Normal, green /Split for ino, cinnamon, blue and opaline male

2nd Generation
From Horus and Ginger Cock Eddy: Normal, green /Split for ino, cinnamon and blue
Hen Aura: Cinnamon, grey Plan: I will keep every lacewing. Then breed her with any blue, grey or violet, normal or cinnamon male to produce males that are all 100% split for lacewing. Result: F rom this pair I kept one female so far...
Quartz lacewing female

2nd Generation
From Horus and Ginger Chick #1 Cock Pete: Normal, green /Split for ino, cinnamon, blue and opaline Hen Henna: Cinnamon, blue, violet Plan: I will keep every lacewing. Then breed her with any blue, grey or violet, normal or cinnamon male to produce 100% males split for lacewing.
Result: None so far...

3rd Generation
Cock Echo: violet cinnamon
From Pete and Aura
Chick #1 Hen Quartz: LacewingPlan: I will keep every male they will be split for lacewing. Then breed him with any blue, grey or violet, normal female to produce...
100% normal males
50% lacewing females
50% normal females
50% lacewing males
Result: None so far...

4th Generation
The last step would be to breed the 2nd Generation lacewing females with the 3rd Generation males that are split for lacewing. Making sure there isn't inbreeding. This pairing will produce...
50% lacewing males
50% normal males
50% lacewing
50% normal females
100% normal males split for lacewing
The Journey
Here is the explanation my own journey through the ins and outs of breeding lacewings
I bought Horus and Ginger in 2009 their first clutch hatched in July of 2010
Clutch #1
7/25/2010 Male dominant pied, dark green/ split for ino and cinnamon
7/26/2010 Female albino
7/28/2012 Female lutino
7/31/2010 Pete Male normal, dark green, split for ino, cinnamon blue and opaline
Clutch #2
9/15/2010 Female lutino
9/16/2010 Female lutino
9/3/2010 Female lutino
Clutch #3
3/20/2011 Eddy Male normal, dark green/ split for ino, cinnamon and blue
3/19/2011 Female lutino
Eddy and Alba had their first clutch in November of 2011
Clutch #1
11/16/2011 Male normal, dark green
11/23/2011 Male lutino
11/24/2011 Female dominant pied, spangle, violet, blue
11/27/2011 Male lutino
Pete and Stella had their first clutch in 2011
Clutch #1
11/27/2011 Male opaline, dark green
11/27/2011 Female albino
11/29/2011 Female opaline, dark green
12/1/2011 Female opaline, dark green
12/2/2011 Female albino
Eddy and Alba
Clutch #2
1/30/2012 Female lutino
2/2/2012 Female domiannt pied, spangle, cinnamon, blue, violet
2/4/2012 Male opaline, blue, violet
Eddy and Alba
Clutch #3
4/7/2012 Male lutino
4/8/2012 Female albino
4/10/2012 Male albino
4/13/2012 Male normal, green
Eddy and Alba
Clutch #4
8/29/2012 Male albino
8/30/2012 Male albino
9/1/2012 Male lutino
9/2/2012 Male spangle, green
9/6/2012 Male normal, blue, grey
Pete and Stella
Clutch #2
8/29/2012 Female lutino
8/31/2012 Male normal, blue, grey
9/1/2012 Male opaline, blue, grey
9/4/2012 Male opaline, green
Eddy and Aura
Clutch #1
12/11/2012 Male cinnamon,violet
12/12/2012 Male cinnamon, green
12/14/2012 Male normal, grey
12/16/2012 Female normal, green
12/18/2012 Male normal, green
12/20/2012 Male normal, blue, violet
Eddy and Aura
Clutch #2
Male cinnamon, grey
Quarts Female albino (maybe lacewing)
Male cinnamon, green, grey
Male cinnamon, grey
I bought Echo a cinnamon violet male in 2013. I plan on breeding him to one of my lacewing or albino females.